The No Recognition Zone

If you’re in a leadership position then you must know this absolute fact: people need and respond to recognition. If you’re actually going to lead however you must do more than know it, you must actively practice the skill of recognizing those you lead. 


People have needed recognition since…well since Adam complimented Eve on her choice of apples….okay, so that didn’t work out so well but you get my point.


It’s amazing to me that even though they know this fact so many people in leadership positions fail to recognize their people for their efforts. I guess they just get busy or they think their people already know that they are important to the organization. (I’ve used those two poor excuses myself)


But the most effective leaders are never too busy…or lazy, to recognize their people. They are incredibly intentional and consistent with recognition and compliments for their team. They make it a point to look for reasons to compliment; they make it a habit to recognize someone on an almost daily basis. 


Authentic Servant Leaders create a culture of recognition within their organizations. They understand that recognition helps keep their people engaged and motivated. 


As a leader you simply cannot afford to fail in this area. You must set aside time in your day just for this purpose. I often ask leaders of organizations what their greatest asset is within their organization. They almost always say it’s their people. 


Then, in very nearly the next breath, they tell me that they don’t have the time to consistently recognize their people. When I point out that spending time on less important things while pretty much ignoring their greatest asset is not a great recipe for success they realize the mistake they have been making.


Don’t make that all too common mistake, plan some recognition time into your day. Encourage others on your team to recognize their fellow team members, make your organization one where even the little successes are celebrated. If the recognition is done with sincerity it never gets old. 


If your organization is known as a no recognition zone, well that kind of environment gets old pretty darn quick. 


So right now, reach out to someone in person, through a phone call or even an email and let them know they matter, let them know you recognize and appreciate them and their efforts. 

It truly takes so little time when compared to the value it will add to their day. So go ahead …do it now!

8 thoughts on “The No Recognition Zone

  1. This article about recognition is so true. People respond to positive recognition and it creates a culture of people always striving to do their best!
    Loved it!

  2. This is absolute, wonderfully written article which sheds light on how important ‘Recognition’ is as it pretty much enhances and improves the psychological aspect of an employee or better to say the member of your team in any work environment. People perform better and tend to increase their efficiency in such an environment and at times salary or the remuneration aspect can be secondary for some when it comes to recognition as they feel that their presence is of great ‘Value’ and its more then comforting and satisfying!

    Brilliant & thanks for such a fabulous written article Steve!

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