How to Succeed in One Easy Step

20121122-183432.jpgSuccessful people tend to put themselves in a position to succeed.

There you have it! One easy step! I suppose I could just leave it at that and make this my shortest blog post ever. I also suppose that some people are probably wondering how to put themselves in that position. Perhaps I should explain.

Once you’ve put yourself in the position to succeed almost everything about success appears easy. I don’t know if I’d go so far as to say success is ever easy but if you’ve made the effort up front, the right effort, then success is going to happen. It’s only a matter of time.

I guess I’ve gone about as far as I can go in this post without writing the word that most people reading this post won’t want to read. I know how this blogging stuff works and I’ve pulled a good number of people into this post by putting succeed AND easy into the same title.

I hope you’ll hang around and continuing reading after you see the word. In your heart of hearts you know it’s coming. You know within yourself that nothing worth having is really easy. So brace yourself, the word is WORK!

You put yourself in a position to succeed by working at it. You lay the groundwork for success with effort, planning, and skill building. Sometimes this work is done in almost complete anonymity, without recognition or immediate reward. It’s hard work, it’s long hours, often filled with despair and thoughts of quitting. At times, the work can seem endless and pointless too.

Yet, successful people continue on. They know that almost every “overnight” success worked long and hard for “that night” to arrive. Successful people smile knowingly at each other when less successful people say they “lucked” into their success. Successful people know that even their “luck” was hard earned. They know that while people seldom get what they want, they almost always get what they’ve earned.

The good news is that while putting yourself in a position to succeed might be a long journey it doesn’t have to be a lonely one. In fact, it shouldn’t be.

Most successful people also have this in common: they were not afraid to ask for help. Mentors help. Successful people, even the most successful, have mentors. They have people in their life who will tell them the truth. Mentors will tell them when, where,and how they have screwed up. Mentors will also point and their strengths and help them to maximize them.

Everybody loves a winner but not everyone hangs around when the winner stops winning, mentors hang around through thick and thin. If you want to put yourself in a position to succeed then find yourself a mentor.

Another way to put yourself in a position to success is to develop a plan. I’ll call it an honest plan. Some people would say “realistic” is a better word than honest but I use honest because too often we lie to ourselves about what we are willing to commit towards our efforts at success. Which leads us to the absolute key to success which also happens to be “that” word.

Work hard! Work harder than you think you can. Work longer than you think you can. Work better than you think you can. (Your mentor will be a huge help with this) Risk making supreme effort and failing anyway. When you stumble on your way to success make sure you know why you stumbled. Make your next stumble smaller. Work harder still!

Never tell yourself you can’t succeed. You will come across plenty of people willing to tell you that. Never add your voice to that off key chorus. No one needs to tell you that the sooner you begin your journey to success the sooner you will succeed.

What exactly are you waiting for? Once you have your plan, set some goals and work your tail off.  Success is easy – just do it!

What’s REALLY Impossible?

Impossible-vs-I-m-possibleSometimes the stuff we remember is surprising, there is no particular reason to remember it but for some reason it stays with us for years and years.

So it is with a conversation I had with several of my high school classmates late in our senior year. We were talking about what we were going to do after graduation and most of us were just heading off to college. A couple of the guys however already had their careers figured out. One of my classmates, named Mark, announced he was going into something called “Cable TV.”

We had never heard of cable TV so we asked him to explain it. He said you received “lots” more channels, up to 20, but that there was a monthly charge for the service. I distinctly remember kind of laughing and asking what kind of idiot would pay for TV!  (I was sooooo smart and visionary at 18)

He confidently told us that “one day every house will be wired for Cable. It’s turns out he was a bit off, I personally know of several houses in my neighborhood alone that don’t have cable…. Okay, so they have a DISH but it ain’t Cable.

I lost touch with Mark shortly after graduation but I’d be willing to bet that if he stuck with that Cable thing he is a very rich man today.

I guess paying for TV wasn’t that outlandish of an idea after all.

Mark had a vision, it included great opportunities and huge success. The rest of us had a vision for Cable TV too, it included a little known technology and required lots of stupid people paying for something that they could get for free. Mark thought in possibilities, the rest of us thought in impossibilities.

How do you think? Are you a Mark or are you like the rest of us? Before you answer, you might want to consider what is really impossible. Below is a list of everything that has been confirmed by every human being on earth to be impossible:




You may disagree with the list, you may have more to add but remember: almost everything you take for granted today was at one time considered impossible, or was considered to be so outlandish that it wasn’t thought of at all.

Most people still think in terms of impossibilities but successful people think in terms of possibilities. Successful people know that just because something hasn’t been done doesn’t mean that it can’t be done. They also know it doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be done.

Some people “think outside the box” but the most successful people don’t even know there is a box.

Nothing, nothing, nothing is impossible until every single person on earth agrees it is. As long as one person believes something is possible, it is. It is very hard to talk your way into success but it’s very easy to talk your way out of it.

All you need to do is tell yourself that success is impossible.

Why not be the person who never gives up? Believe in stuff, believe in people, believe in YOU!

Somebody is going to do the impossible today, it might as well be you.