New Thinking

Most people like to hang around with people who are like them. They listen to people who think like they do. They talk to people who talk like them. They believe people who believe the things they believe. 


It is reassuring to have someone tell you that your thinking is correct. It is confidence building to have someone you think is often right tell you that you also are most often right. 


It is comfortable to not have your thinking or beliefs challenged by someone who thinks or believes differently than you do. 


It is also very limiting to your success. 


The most successful people listen to new ideas and concepts as often as they can find them. They listen to opinions different than their own with as open a mind as they can muster. They do not dismiss another person’s ideas because the person “is not like them” or because they have a very different background. 


The most successful people know that everyone they meet knows at least one thing that they don’t know. They are always on the lookout for that one thing. 


Successful people understand the reality that they will learn far more from people who think differently than they do then they will learn from people who think and act just like them. 


New thoughts and new ideas come from new listening. They come from interacting and conversing with people who might never be your friend but who can certainly be your teacher. 


Who knows, you might discover you have more in common than you would have ever imagined. If fact, you may have a new friend in the making. Get out of your comfort zone and reach beyond your circle of like-minded friends. If you want to expand your thinking then you will need to expand the type of people you let inside your head. 

New success seldom comes from old thinking. Refresh your thoughts and you just might discover a whole new level of success.