How to Build a Strong Organizational Culture

Peter Drucker, the legendary management consultant once said, “Culture eats strategy for breakfast.” What he meant by that is you can have all the strategy in the world and if the culture in your organization is poor the strategy is unlikely to be implemented.

You can also hire the very best people but if your culture is poor it’s your very best people who are likely to leave first. Nothing plays a bigger role in an organization’s success than culture. Absolutely nothing!

An organization’s culture is the responsibility of the top leader. It is not something that can be delegated to HR or some consulting firm. CEOs of top performing companies invest a massive amount of time ensuring that the organization’s culture is one of two-way trust, with a growth mindset and exceptional lines of communication. It’s a caring culture where people are valued for the mere fact that they are human beings who make a difference in the world.

CEO’s who do not understand their role in defining their organization’s culture are CEO’s who put their organizations at risk. Make no mistake about this fact, every organization has a culture. If it’s not intentionally crafted to be healthy culture, and nurtured DAILY to stay that way, then the culture will develop on it’s own.

A “self-developed” culture is never an organization sustaining culture.

Building a strong organizational culture involves creating an environment where employees feel valued, engaged, and aligned with the company’s mission and values.

Here are the building blocks to a healthy sustainable culture that fosters long-term success.

Define Core Values. Start by defining the core values that reflect what your organization stands for. These values should guide decision-making and behavior at all levels. Ensure that these values are clear, concise, and actionable. Understand that if every member of your organization does not understand and live these core values then they likely aren’t worth the paper you’d print them on.

Lead by Example. Leadership plays a crucial role in shaping organizational culture. Leaders should embody the values they preach. They should show integrity, transparency, and inclusivity in their actions and decisions. Remember, you lead by example whether you realize it or not. Your people are always watching you and if you’re not living the core values of the organization then they won’t either.

Communicate Effectively. Transparent communication is essential for fostering trust and alignment within the organization. Keep employees informed about company goals, strategies, and any changes. Encourage open dialogue and feedback channels. Some “leaders” believe withholding information from their people somehow makes them more important. If you’re a leader who believes keeping your people in the dark is a good thing then you’re a weak leader beyond measure.

Encourage Collaboration. Create a team where employees are comfortable sharing ideas. They should seek feedback and work together towards common goals. Promote cross-functional collaboration to break down silos and encourage innovation. Silos are good on a farm but they are often deadly in an organization looking to grow.

Empower Employees. Empower employees by giving them authority. Also, give them chances for growth. And, recognize their contributions. Encourage autonomy and ownership over tasks and projects. And remember, if you’re standing in their way with your micromanagement hat on, then you really haven’t empowered them. So turn them loose and stay out of their way.

Promote Diversity and Inclusion. Embrace diversity and inclusion. Do this by creating a culture that celebrates differences. It should value the unique perspectives and experiences of all employees. Ensure that policies and practices promote fairness and equality…for everyone. Understand the difference between valuing diversity and going woke. Valuing diversity builds bridges, going woke builds walls.

Celebrate Successes. Recognize and celebrate achievements, both big and small. This reinforces good behavior. It creates a sense of accomplishment and belonging in the organization. There really is not a success that is too small to celebrate.

Invest in Employee Well-being. Prioritize employee well-being by offering programs and resources that support physical, mental, and emotional health. Create a supportive work environment that promotes work-life balance and stress management. Then, encourage your people to use those resources on a regular basis. There is no value to a resource that is never used.

Provide Continuous Feedback. Create a culture of continuous feedback. Employees get regular, helpful feedback on their performance. They also get chances to give input on the organization’s processes and initiatives. And just so we’re clear on this… a once a year “review” is NOT continuous anything, except perhaps a continuous waste of time.

Adapt and Evolve. Culture is not static; it evolves over time. Stay attuned to changes in the internal and external environment and be willing to adapt cultural norms and practices as needed. This will ensure relevance and alignment with the organization’s goals and values.

Building a strong organizational culture is not a part time job. By focusing daily on these key elements and consistently reinforcing them through actions and initiatives, CEO’s and their organizations can build a strong and vibrant culture. One that drives employee engagement, retention, and overall success.


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Earning the Commitment of the People You Lead

I am frequently asked about the difference between managing and leading. I am frequently asked that by people who don’t believe there is a difference. I know almost instinctively that the people who do not believe there is a difference between managing and leading are not leading people. They are attempting to do the impossible, which is manage another human being.

It’s impossible because human beings mostly refuse to be managed. They resist at every opportunity and when the opportunity to resist doesn’t arise they will create one. People want to be led.

The best a manager can do is coerce the compliance of their people. The problems with that are many but here’s one of the biggest ones. When the manager isn’t directly in the presence of their people the compliance isn’t either. That’s why I say attempting to manage people causes most of the people issues managers deal with.

Leaders on the other hand work to earn the commitment of their people. The advantages of having the commitment of the people you lead are also many but here’s a huge one. When the leader isn’t physically present the commitment of the people remains. They continue to produce and behave exactly as they would if their leader was with them.

The reality is, earning the commitment of the people you lead is crucial for building a strong and cohesive team. Without that commitment there will always be personal issues. Managers will tell you that some of the biggest challenges with their job are people related. Leaders seldom if ever say that.

If you’re interested in eliminating most of the personal issues in your organization, here are some strategies to earn the commitment of your people and put them, and your organization on the path to long-term success.

Lead by Example. Demonstrate the behavior and work ethic you expect from your team members. Your actions speak louder than words, so model the values, attitudes, and work standards you want your team to embody. When your team sees your commitment, they are more likely to emulate it.

Communicate Effectively. Keep lines of communication open and transparent. Provide clear instructions, share information openly, and actively listen to your team members’ feedback and concerns. Effective communication creates trust, encourages collaboration, and ensures everyone is aligned with the team’s goals and vision.

Empower and Delegate. Trust your team members with responsibilities and empower them to make decisions within their areas of expertise. Delegating tasks not only shows your confidence in their abilities but also allows them to grow professionally. When people feel trusted and valued, they are more committed to achieving shared goals.

Recognize and Appreciate. Acknowledge and appreciate your team members’ contributions regularly. Celebrate their successes, both big and small, and publicly recognize their efforts. Genuine appreciation fosters a positive work environment. It boosts morale, and reinforces commitment to the team and its objectives.

Provide Growth Opportunities. Support your team members’ professional development by offering training, mentorship, and opportunities for growth. Invest in their skills and career advancement, and encourage them to pursue their goals. When people see a clear path for their development within the team, they are more likely to stay committed.

Foster a Positive Culture. Create a supportive work culture. Make everyone feel valued, respected, and motivated to contribute. Encourage teamwork, collaboration, and a sense of belonging. Address conflicts and challenges promptly and constructively to maintain an environment where people are committed to working together towards common goals.

Lead with Empathy. Understand and empathize with your team members’ individual needs, challenges, and aspirations. Show genuine concern for their well-being and provide support during difficult times. When people feel understood and supported, they are more likely to remain committed to the team and its objectives.

Set Clear Goals and Expectations. Establish clear goals, objectives, and expectations for your team members. Ensure everyone understands their role in achieving these goals. Provide the necessary resources and support to help them succeed. Clarity and alignment around goals enhance commitment and motivation.

Celebrate Successes Together. Celebrate team achievements and milestones as a collective. Recognize the contributions of each team member towards the shared success. Celebrating together builds a sense of camaraderie and reinforces commitment to future endeavors.

These are the strategies that will help you earn the commitment of the people you lead. They will help you to build a high-performing team. They will act as the glue that holds the organization together in challenging times. They are key to achieving shared goals and lasting success.

As a leader you must remember, you manage “stuff.” Stuff like budgets, buildings and inventory. But you LEAD people. Once you have that difference firmly in mind your leadership potential is greatly enhanced. And so is the potential of every person you lead.


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How to Give Meaningful Feedback

It is a bit surprising how many people in leadership positions are unaware how important feedback is to the people they lead. Some just don’t like giving feedback. Some think providing feedback could lead to a confrontation so they avoid it like the plague. Some, sadly, are simply too damn lazy to make the effort required to provide meaningful feedback.

But if you’re in a leadership position you must understand that your people need to know how they are doing. They need to know if they are meeting your expectations. They need to know if what they are doing is adding value to the organization. The need to know if they are making a difference.

If you don’t tell them they are likely to assume the worst. In all of those situations. That will demotivate them and cause them to disengage. I do not know of a single organization that can afford disengaged people. Not a one!

Giving meaningful feedback is crucial for the personal and professional growth of the people you lead. Whether you are comfortable with giving feedback or not you need to do it. Here are some steps that might help you give meaningful feedback in a way that doesn’t stress you, or your people, out.

Be Specific. Address particular actions, behaviors, or situations rather than generalizations. For example, instead of saying, “Your presentation was great,” say, “I appreciated how you used real-life examples to illustrate your points in the presentation.”

Be Timely. Offer feedback as soon as possible after the event or behavior you’re addressing. This ensures that the details are fresh in both your mind and the recipient’s, making the feedback more relevant and actionable. Do not “store up” a bunch of feedback and then bury someone with it all at once. There are few things a leader can do that are more demoralizing than that.

Be Balanced. Provide a mix of positive feedback and constructive criticism. Highlight what the person did well, and then suggest areas for improvement. This balance helps maintain motivation and morale while still encouraging growth.

Focus on Behavior, Not Personality. Feedback should address actions or behaviors, not the individual’s personality or character. For instance, instead of saying, “You’re lazy,” say, “I noticed that you missed the deadline for the project.”

Use “I” Statements. Express your observations and feelings using “I” statements to avoid sounding accusatory or judgmental. For example, say, “I noticed that you arrived late to the meeting,” instead of, “You’re always late.”

Offer Constructive Criticism. When providing criticism, be constructive and offer suggestions for improvement. Avoid simply pointing out flaws without providing guidance on how to address them. Do not say, “you need to do better.” Let them know exactly what “better” looks like and exactly how they can get there.

Be Sincere and Genuine. Authenticity is key to meaningful feedback. Ensure that your feedback comes from a place of genuine concern and desire to help the person grow, rather than from a place of criticism or judgment.

Encourage Dialogue. Feedback should be a two-way conversation. Encourage the recipient to ask questions, seek clarification, or share their perspective. This fosters mutual understanding and allows for a more productive exchange of feedback.

Set Clear Expectations. Clearly communicate your expectations moving forward, especially if the feedback is related to performance or behavior in a specific context. This helps the recipient understand what changes or improvements are needed.

Follow Up. Check in periodically to see how the person is progressing based on the feedback you provided. Offer ongoing support and guidance as needed, and acknowledge improvements or efforts made.

Giving meaningful feedback is not just about pointing out what went wrong. Any boss can do that. A leader is concerned about helping individuals learn and grow to reach their full potential. Make sure that’s your goal when giving feedback and you will do well.


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How to Be You

There are a whole bunch of people in the world who are a lot more tired than they need to be. That’s because they aren’t just being one person, they are trying, in many cases, to be multiple people. At work they are a person who tries to present a professional image. At church they are a God fearing believer. In their social life they are a carefree fun loving life of the party person. With their kids they are the loving authoritarian. They are so many different people in the same day it’s no wonder they are so tired.

They are also often confused because when you switch between all those personas, it’s easy to lose track of which one to be at any moment. It’s tough work being who you think other people want you to be. Or who you think you’re supposed to be.

Life is a whole lot easier and a whole lot less stressful when you find the courage to just be you. You’re authentic self, 100% of the time.

Being authentic means being true to yourself and living in alignment with your values, beliefs, and personality. It means being real and honest in your actions, words, and interactions. You don’t pretend to be someone you’re not or bow to society’s expectations or pressures.

Being authentic means being self-aware. It also means self-acceptance and the courage to express yourself honestly. This may mean being vulnerable or facing criticism. It’s about embracing your uniqueness. And, owning your thoughts, feelings, and experiences without fear of judgment. Being authentic lets you live a more fulfilling life. It fosters deeper connections with others. It also promotes inner peace and contentment.

Being authentic may not get you the most friends but it will positively get you the right ones.

Being your authentic self involves a journey of self-discovery and self-expression. Here are some steps to help you along the way.

Self-Reflection. Take time to reflect on your values, beliefs, and interests. Ask yourself what truly matters to you and what makes you happy. It is amazing how many people have NEVER invested the time required to truly know themselves. Don’t wait another day to figure yourself out. Journaling or meditation can be helpful tools for this.

Self-Acceptance. Embrace all aspects of yourself, including your strengths, weaknesses, quirks, and imperfections. Accept that you are unique and that it’s okay to be different from others.

Set Boundaries. Establish healthy boundaries to protect your time, energy, and well-being. Learn to say no to things that don’t fit your values or goals. Instead, prioritize activities and relationships that fulfill you.

Authentic Communication. Practice expressing yourself honestly and openly, both verbally and non-verbally. Share your thoughts, feelings, and opinions authentically, without fear of judgment or rejection.

Follow Your Passions. Pursue activities and interests that ignite your passion and bring you joy. It could be a hobby, creative project, or career. Following your passions lets you fully engage with life and be yourself.

Surround Yourself with Supportive People. Surround yourself with people who accept you and encourage you to be yourself. Build close relationships with friends, family, and mentors. They should support your personal growth and authenticity.

Embrace Vulnerability. Be willing to be vulnerable and share your true self with others. Vulnerability fosters deeper connections and allows others to see the real you

Continuous Growth. Being yourself is a process. It’s ongoing and about self-discovery. Stay open to new experiences, challenges, and opportunities for personal development.

Celebrate Your Authenticity. Celebrate your unique qualities, talents, and contributions to the world. Embrace who you are wholeheartedly and take pride in living authentically.

Never forget, someone else’s opinion of you is their problem, not yours. Living an authentic life is one of the most “freeing” things you will ever do. YOU were made the way you are for a purpose, find that purpose, live it, and your authenticity is assured.


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Why Quitting is a Bad Idea

I’ve been fortunate to know many successful people. They come from all walks of life, many different cultures, backgrounds, and industries. Many of them report one particular similarity in their journeys to success. That similarity is that they faced a myriad of challenges and obstacles on their individual journey to success.

Some of the challenges were severe enough that they felt like quitting. Some of them say they had that feeling multiple times along the way. And yet, they managed to pull themselves up from the depths of despair and push their way forward.

They persevered.

That perseverance nearly always resulted in ultimate success. Many times that success was right around the corner from their lowest point in the journey. It was that one final extra push that put them over the top.

But there are also many people I’ve met who just couldn’t muster that final extra push. Rather than persevere they packed it in. They quit. And then they wondered, sometimes for years, what might have been if they had continued on.

When you feel like quitting, it’s important to remember that setbacks are a natural part of any journey, and they don’t define your ultimate success. Here’s how to stay motivated and keep pushing forward.

Remember Your Why. Reconnect with the reasons why you started in the first place. What are your goals? What motivates you? Keeping your purpose in mind can reignite your passion and determination. Re-dream the dream. You began your journey based on a dream. Dream that dream anew…even if you have to dream it every day.

Break it Down. Sometimes, the journey ahead can seem overwhelming. Break your goals into smaller, more manageable tasks. Focus on taking one step at a time, celebrating each small victory along the way. Never forget that all progress is progress. Even a tiny step is better than no step at all. Celebrate it!

Seek Support. Don’t be afraid to reach out to friends, family, mentors, or colleagues when you’re feeling discouraged. Talking to others can provide perspective, encouragement, and new ideas for overcoming obstacles. But, make sure you’re talking with the right people. Select people who truly care for you and want you to succeed. Stay away from the nattering nabobs of negativism.

Visualize Success. Imagine yourself achieving your goals. Visualizing success can help you stay focused and motivated, even when faced with challenges. Someone smarter than me once said if you can see it you can do it. I believe that is true.

Practice Self-Compassion. Be kind to yourself, especially when things aren’t going as planned. There will be plenty of things, and perhaps people, willing to beat you down. There is no need to add your own negative thoughts to the list. Instead, acknowledge your efforts and progress, and don’t be too hard on yourself for setbacks. Treat yourself with the same compassion you would offer a friend in a similar situation.

Adjust Your Approach. If what you’re doing isn’t working, it may be time to try a different approach. Stay flexible and open-minded, and be willing to adapt your strategy as needed. Sometimes, the fastest way forward is to take a step or two backwards in order to get a different perspective.

Focus on the Present. Instead of dwelling on past failures or worrying about future obstacles, focus on the present moment. What can you do right now to move closer to your goals? If you’re “stuck” then just consider what the next “right thing” to do is. No matter how small a thing it may be it’s still progress and it’s still creating momentum towards your ultimate goal.

Find Inspiration. Surround yourself with sources of inspiration, whether it’s reading success stories, listening to motivational Ted Talks, or spending time doing something fun. Draw strength from the achievements of others and let them inspire you to keep going.

Remember that It’s Okay to Rest. Sometimes, pushing through isn’t the best option. It’s important to listen to your body and mind. Taking a break to recharge can give you the energy and clarity you need to tackle challenges with renewed vigor.

By implementing these strategies and staying resilient, you can overcome obstacles and continue making progress towards your goals, even when the temptation to quit is strong.


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Forgiving Yourself

Generally speaking I think people are pretty forgiving. It may take a while but we eventually forgive others. Sometimes even for some serious transgressions. But there is often one person we find it incredibly difficult to forgive and it’s really the person who frequently needs our forgiveness the most.

That person is ourselves. Until we can forgive ourselves it is much harder to accept forgiveness from someone else. The forgiveness of others is almost irrelevant if we are hanging on to the feeling that we are unforgivable.

You are not unforgivable. Here’s one absolute certainty…before you even knew you had done something requiring forgiveness, God had forgiven you. Think about how amazing that is because once you’re able to digest that thought you’ll find it easier to forgive yourself.

But even then, forgiving yourself is a journey that requires patience and self-compassion. It requires the knowledge that making mistakes, even some whoppers, is as human as a human can get. I should also note here however that making the same “mistake” repeatedly is not really a mistake, it’s more of a choice. I personally struggle to be as forgiving with someone who repeatedly makes choices that negatively affect others.

But assuming you’ve made a genuine mistake, here are some steps you can take to begin the process of self forgiveness.

Acknowledge your mistake. Recognize what you did wrong and accept responsibility for it. Sometimes we’re haunted by a mistake that we won’t even admit. Somewhere inside you know you did wrong, admitting it, to yourself, is a must if you’re going to forgive yourself.

Understand why it happened. Reflect on the circumstances and factors that led to your actions. Were you just stupid for a minute, were you malicious, were you seeking revenge? You need to know this because it will impact what actions you take to ensure it doesn’t happen again.

Feel your emotions. Allow yourself to feel any guilt, shame, or regret associated with the mistake. Remember, you’re human. You’re an emotional creature, own your emotions and they become easier to deal with.

Practice self-compassion. Treat yourself with kindness and understanding, just as you would a friend who made a mistake.

Make amends if possible. If your actions affected others, apologize and take steps to make things right. It’s easy to wallow in guilt and shame. Being proactive in making amends tends to prevent too much wallowing. Don’t feel sorry for yourself because you screwed up, do something about it.

Learn and grow. Use the experience as an opportunity for personal growth and self-improvement. This is the “making lemonade from lemons” part of the process. If you learn from your mistake it can make you a better person down the road. That makes self forgiveness much easier.

Let go of the past. Release yourself from the burden of guilt and allow yourself to move forward. Do not keep reliving the mistake. Remember the lessons learned but forget the mistake itself, at least as much as possible.

Repeat as necessary. Forgiveness is often not a one-time event but a process that may need to be revisited over time. But if you require forgiveness for the same “mistake” over and over you may need to start thinking more about the choices you’re making.

Forgiveness is a gift we most often reserve for others. Don’t forget you deserve forgiveness as much as the next person, even if it means you have to give it to yourself.


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How to Rebuild Trust

If you’re human and you’re reading this (if you’re not human and you’re reading this, please by any means possible let me know) then sooner or later you will do something that will cause someone to lose trust in you.

As has been said many times, trust takes a long time to build and only seconds to destroy.

But the destruction does not have to be permanent. If you’re willing to make the effort then over time you can rebuild the trust you once had. It’s not easy and it will take time but it can be done. Do not expect the other person, the one who’s trust you lost, to rebuild it. If you’re the trust breaker then you’re 100% responsible for rebuilding it too.

Rebuilding trust is a process. Here are some steps you can take to begin that process today.

Acknowledge the breach. Recognize and take responsibility for the actions or behaviors that led to the loss of trust. This demonstrates honesty and accountability. There can be no “but” in your acknowledgment. No “sorry but.” No, sorry if you’re offended “but” I didn’t mean it. By the way, if you really said something you didn’t mean that’s actually an indication that you’re so careless with your words or actions that you probably shouldn’t have been trusted in the first place. Think about that little tidbit a while.

Apologize sincerely. Offer a genuine apology, expressing remorse for any hurt or harm caused. Be specific about what you’re apologizing for and show empathy towards the other person’s feelings. And this should go without saying, but in case it needs to be said… if it’s not a sincere apology then don’t bother in the first place.

Communicate openly. Encourage open dialogue about the situation. Listen attentively to the other person’s concerns and feelings without becoming defensive. Be transparent about your intentions and actions moving forward. This is another step where there can be no “buts.” You offended someone, you may have even hurt them. When they tell you why they feel the way they feel don’t you dare respond with a “yes but.” That is a clear indication that you likely do not value their feelings.

Set boundaries. Establish clear boundaries and expectations to prevent similar issues from arising in the future. This could include agreeing on specific behaviors or actions that are off-limits. Once the boundaries are set do not cross them… no matter what.

Demonstrate consistency. Consistently follow through on your commitments and promises. Your actions should align with your words to build credibility and reliability. Rebuilding trust is not a part time process. You must honor 100% of your commitments, 100% of the time. Whether you feel like it or not.

Be patient. Rebuilding trust takes time, so be patient and understanding. Allow the other person space to process their feelings and gradually rebuild their trust in you. Remember, it’s wrecking trust that happens fast, rebuilding it will take longer than it took to build it in the first place.

Seek feedback. Regularly check in with the other person to see how they’re feeling about the progress of rebuilding trust. Be open to feedback and willing to make adjustments as needed. You may need to ask a few times to get an answer but the mere asking of the question can help rebuild trust.

Show genuine remorse. Continuously express genuine remorse for the hurt caused and demonstrate your commitment to making amends. Actions often speak louder than words, so be consistent in your efforts to rebuild trust.

Obviously it’s way better not to do or say things that cause someone to lose trust in you to begin with. But we’re human and sometimes we do things we wish we hadn’t. But whether you’re able to rebuild trust with someone or not, simply going through the process will make it less likely that you’ll make the same mistake again.

That’s called improvement and I call that a very good thing.


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