How to Give Meaningful Feedback

It is a bit surprising how many people in leadership positions are unaware how important feedback is to the people they lead. Some just don’t like giving feedback. Some think providing feedback could lead to a confrontation so they avoid it like the plague. Some, sadly, are simply too damn lazy to make the effort required to provide meaningful feedback.

But if you’re in a leadership position you must understand that your people need to know how they are doing. They need to know if they are meeting your expectations. They need to know if what they are doing is adding value to the organization. The need to know if they are making a difference.

If you don’t tell them they are likely to assume the worst. In all of those situations. That will demotivate them and cause them to disengage. I do not know of a single organization that can afford disengaged people. Not a one!

Giving meaningful feedback is crucial for the personal and professional growth of the people you lead. Whether you are comfortable with giving feedback or not you need to do it. Here are some steps that might help you give meaningful feedback in a way that doesn’t stress you, or your people, out.

Be Specific. Address particular actions, behaviors, or situations rather than generalizations. For example, instead of saying, “Your presentation was great,” say, “I appreciated how you used real-life examples to illustrate your points in the presentation.”

Be Timely. Offer feedback as soon as possible after the event or behavior you’re addressing. This ensures that the details are fresh in both your mind and the recipient’s, making the feedback more relevant and actionable. Do not “store up” a bunch of feedback and then bury someone with it all at once. There are few things a leader can do that are more demoralizing than that.

Be Balanced. Provide a mix of positive feedback and constructive criticism. Highlight what the person did well, and then suggest areas for improvement. This balance helps maintain motivation and morale while still encouraging growth.

Focus on Behavior, Not Personality. Feedback should address actions or behaviors, not the individual’s personality or character. For instance, instead of saying, “You’re lazy,” say, “I noticed that you missed the deadline for the project.”

Use “I” Statements. Express your observations and feelings using “I” statements to avoid sounding accusatory or judgmental. For example, say, “I noticed that you arrived late to the meeting,” instead of, “You’re always late.”

Offer Constructive Criticism. When providing criticism, be constructive and offer suggestions for improvement. Avoid simply pointing out flaws without providing guidance on how to address them. Do not say, “you need to do better.” Let them know exactly what “better” looks like and exactly how they can get there.

Be Sincere and Genuine. Authenticity is key to meaningful feedback. Ensure that your feedback comes from a place of genuine concern and desire to help the person grow, rather than from a place of criticism or judgment.

Encourage Dialogue. Feedback should be a two-way conversation. Encourage the recipient to ask questions, seek clarification, or share their perspective. This fosters mutual understanding and allows for a more productive exchange of feedback.

Set Clear Expectations. Clearly communicate your expectations moving forward, especially if the feedback is related to performance or behavior in a specific context. This helps the recipient understand what changes or improvements are needed.

Follow Up. Check in periodically to see how the person is progressing based on the feedback you provided. Offer ongoing support and guidance as needed, and acknowledge improvements or efforts made.

Giving meaningful feedback is not just about pointing out what went wrong. Any boss can do that. A leader is concerned about helping individuals learn and grow to reach their full potential. Make sure that’s your goal when giving feedback and you will do well.


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How to Lead Your Leader

Even good leaders needs a little help once in a while. Great leaders will accept that help from anyone, even the people who are more often following them. When you step up to “Lead Your Leader” you’re demonstrating not just your own leadership skills but also your willingness to do more than what’s required of you. You’ll be “leading up” in your organization.

Leading up can be dicey, especially if your leader isn’t exactly asking for help. Sometimes they may even resist your help. But your ability to navigate through those challenges will help prepare you for the next level of leadership in your organization. It’ll also help you stand out to the people in the organization above your leader. That will help you earn more, and better opportunities within your organization.

But understand this absolute fact… I am not suggesting you betray the trust of your leader. I’m not encouraging you to “go over their head” and I’m certainly not recommending that you do anything that would make them look bad or hinder their leadership in any way.

Leading up will at times require providing help that makes a positive difference without being noticed or receiving “credit” for it. It can’t always involve getting noticed or rewarded. Sometimes you’ll need to lead up for the simple reason that it’s the right thing to do.

Since few leaders ever reach the very top of their organization you will likely, sooner or later, find yourself in a position where the ability to lead up will be very valuable. To lead up in your organization requires that you understand the goals of your leader, their communication style, strengths, and weaknesses, and then using that knowledge to support and guide them effectively. Here are some steps to successfully lead your leader.

Understand Their Vision. Take the time to understand your leader’s vision and goals. What are they trying to achieve, and why? Align yourself with their vision to better support them. If they don’t openly communicate their vision and goals then ask. In some cases merely asking the can help your leader crystalize their thinking and better communicate their expectations for the team.

Build Trust. Establish trust with your leader by being reliable, transparent, and accountable. Show that you are committed to their success and the success of the team or organization.

Communication. Communicate openly and effectively with your leader. Keep them informed about important developments, challenges, and successes. Understand their preferred communication style and adapt accordingly.

Provide Feedback. Offer constructive feedback to your leader when necessary. This can include suggestions for improvement or highlighting areas where they excel. Be respectful and tactful in how you deliver feedback. This is where leading up can become dicey. This is why building trust with your leader is so important. When they know you have their best interests, and the best interests of the organization in mind, they are likely to be much more open to your feedback.

Support Their Weaknesses. Identify areas where your leader may have weaknesses and offer support where needed. This could involve taking on additional responsibilities, providing training or resources, or offering assistance in specific areas of expertise. Offer support to your leader, don’t gossip about their weaknesses behind their back. Because if you do, you can forget about that trust you’ve been trying to build.

Play to Their Strengths. Recognize and leverage your leader’s strengths. Encourage them to utilize their talents and skills to achieve their goals and the goals of the team.

Be Proactive. Anticipate your leader’s needs and take initiative to address them. This could involve problem-solving, streamlining processes, or identifying opportunities for improvement. Do more than is required and do more than is expected of you. Don’t wait to be asked, offer to help instead.

Lead by Example. Demonstrate leadership qualities in your own actions and behavior. Show initiative, integrity, and a strong work ethic, which can inspire your leader and others to do the same. This involves leading yourself exceptionally well. Remember, if you can’t lead yourself then you can’t lead anyone.

Seek Collaboration. Foster a collaborative relationship with your leader, where ideas are shared openly, and decisions are made collectively. Encourage teamwork and cooperation among colleagues to achieve common objectives.

Stay Flexible. Be adaptable and flexible in your approach to leading your leader. Recognize that leadership styles and priorities may evolve over time, and be willing to adjust your approach accordingly.

Leading people is very rewarding, that’s especially true when leading your leader. By taking these steps, you can effectively lead up. You can contribute to the overall success of your team or organization and you can develop your own leadership skills for the future.


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Listen to the Whispers

Many CEOs around the world would be shocked to learn what is really going on in their organizations. Most know only what their direct reports want them to know. They receive “sanitized” reports on what’s happening around the organization. Those reports are rarely lies. But, they also lack the “color” that would greatly impact how the CEO receives the report.

The bigger the organization the less likely it is that the CEO will truly know everything that’s going on. It’s also likely that they don’t need to know absolutely everything that’s going on. But they would benefit greatly from knowing what’s being whispered in the hallways of their organization. In fact, it’s been said that if we listen to the whispers we’ll never have to hear the yelling. That’s because in organizations where the whispers are heard there is no yelling.

But hearing the whispers requires a connection that many people in senior leadership positions don’t have with their people.

Senior leaders can stay connected to their people through many strategies. These strategies aim to foster communication, understanding, and alignment within the organization. Here are some of the ways the most informed senior leaders stay connected to their people.

Regular Communication. Senior leaders should talk to employees often. They can use many channels such as team meetings, town halls, emails, blogs, and videos. This helps keep employees informed about company goals, strategies, and changes. It also gives a platform for feedback and questions. Just so we’re clear on this, “regular” doesn’t mean once a year during the holidays. When thinking “regular” also think frequent. Some form of communication weekly is not overdoing it.

Open-Door Policy. Senior leaders should keep an open-door policy. Employees should feel comfortable approaching them with concerns, ideas, or feedback. This accessibility fosters trust and transparency within the organization. A CEO’s door can’t always be open but scheduled open doors can be very useful. When people know their CEO is available to anyone from 1:00 – 4:00pm one day a week for example, it fosters a transparency that leads to truly open communication.

Employee Feedback Mechanisms. Implementing formal feedback mechanisms such as employee surveys, suggestion boxes, or regular one-on-one meetings allows employees to provide feedback directly to senior leadership. Actively listening to and acting upon that feedback demonstrates that their opinions are valued.

Employee Recognition Programs. Recognizing and celebrating employee achievements and milestones can help senior leadership connect with employees on a personal level. This can include shout-outs in meetings, awards, or personalized notes of appreciation.

Regular Check-ins. Senior leaders should check in with employees often. They should discuss the employees’ goals, challenges, and career aspirations. And I don’t just mean with their direct reports. An occasional random pop-in visit with lower level team members can be very eye opening for a CEO or senior leader. But understand it may take some time for team members to open up and give senior leaders the true “color” that’s often missing from their regular reports.

Transparency. Transparency about company decisions, performance, and challenges builds trust. It also fosters a sense of shared purpose among employees. Senior leaders should share relevant information. They should do so openly and honestly, even if it involves tough topics. Some information can’t be shared, especially in public companies. But, there is much more that can be shared than not. The best senior leaders share a much information as is possible.

Lead by Example. Senior leadership leads by example, whether they intend to or not. Their example should embody the values and behaviors they expect from their people. This includes demonstrating empathy, active listening, and a commitment to continuous improvement.

Invest in People Development. Supporting people development through training, mentoring, and coaching programs demonstrates a commitment to growth and career progression. It also helps senior leadership stay connected with employees by understanding their skills, aspirations, and challenges.

Empower Middle Leaders. Senior leaders should empower middle leaders. They will serve as conduits between the senior leaders and frontline team members. Middle leaders can provide valuable insights into employee feelings and concerns. They also help spread strategic messages throughout the organization.

Social Events and Team Building Activities. Organizing social events and team-building activities creates chances for senior leaders to interact with staff. This happens in a less formal setting. This can help break down barriers and foster stronger relationships within the organization.

Above all remain visible. I know it’s super easy to fall into the trap called the “tyranny of the urgent.” We want to get the seemingly urgent tasks out of the way but we often do that at the expense of the important ones. As a leader, nothing is more important than the people you lead. When a leader forgets that, chaos ensues and yelling soon follows.

Put yourself in a position to hear the whispers and you’ll avoid the chaos and the yelling that goes with it.

Want more LeadToday? Many of you know I’m very active on X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter. I post a lot of free content there but I also post 6-10 minute videos two or three times a week. These videos are focused on principles of leadership and living your best life. They are “uncommon” common sense topics designed to help people push themselves to their full potential. Every video is available to subscribers who invest $4.99 a month for their future success. If you’re willing to push yourself towards the life you want and deserve my videos may just be the extra nudge you need to get there. Find your way over to X using a browser and follow me there. Once you’ve followed me you can subscribe on a month by month basis just by clicking the subscribe button. Remember, an investment in yourself ALWAYS pays dividends! You’ll find my timeline here:


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How to Lead Yourself

Most leaders have had less than 5 hours of formal training in their entire careers. Upon ascending to a leadership role they assume that their title or position makes them a leader. That is by far the most common mistake people new to a leadership role make.

It is also one of the most costly mistakes they will ever make. It costs them the opportunity to truly have a positive impact on the people they could actually lead. It costs the organization untold amounts of productivity and turnover. It costs the people who miss the chance to work for an authentic leader the opportunity to reach their full potential. Perhaps to even develop into authentic leaders themselves.

The second most common mistake by new leaders is they waited until they were in a leadership position to learn to lead. That’s true even though they had the opportunity to practice their leadership skills on a real live human being 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

The person they could, and should, have been practicing with is themselves.

Authentically leading others is an awesome responsibility. It requires a completely different set of skills than managing a business. It requires a high degree of integrity, excellent communication skills and unparalleled judgment. All of that takes time, effort and practice to master.

The best way to acquire and develop the skill set of an Authentic Leader is to practice leading yourself exceptionally well. Before you attempt to lead others.

If your goal is simply to earn a chance to lead others then you can skip the rest of this post. If your goal is to truly lead, to have a positive impact on the lives of the people you lead, to build a legacy as a difference maker, then read on. Because this post is for you.

Leading yourself well involves key principles. Each is unique, but together they offer you the chance to make a difference in your life and, later, in the lives of those you lead.

• Self-awareness. Understand your strengths, weaknesses, values, and goals. Regularly reflect on your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors to gain insight into yourself.

• Setting goals. Establish clear, achievable objectives that align with your values and long-term aspirations. Break them down into smaller, manageable tasks to maintain motivation and track progress.

• Time management. Prioritize tasks based on importance and urgency. Use tools like calendars, to-do lists, or productivity apps to organize your schedule and ensure you allocate time effectively to different activities.

• Continuous learning. Cultivate a growth mindset and seek opportunities for personal and professional development. Read books, attend seminars, take courses, and learn from experiences to expand your knowledge and skills.

• Self-discipline. Develop habits and routines that support your goals and values. Practice self-control and perseverance, even when faced with challenges or distractions.

• Emotional intelligence. Understand and manage your emotions effectively. Develop empathy and interpersonal skills to navigate relationships and communicate assertively.

• Adaptability. Be flexible and open to change. Embrace uncertainty and learn to adapt your plans and strategies as circumstances evolve.

• Resilience. Build resilience to bounce back from setbacks and failures. View challenges as opportunities for growth and learning, and maintain a positive attitude even in difficult times.

• Accountability. Take responsibility for your actions and decisions. Hold yourself to high standards of integrity and ethics, and learn from mistakes to improve future performance.

By integrating these principles into your daily life, you can effectively lead yourself. You can not only earn a leadership position but you can earn the right to truly lead others. When you help even one other person accomplish great personal and professional success you won’t merely have helped to change that person, you will have potentially changed the world.

Want more LeadToday? Many of you know I’m very active on X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter. I post a lot of free content there but I also post 6-10 minute videos two or three times a week. These videos are focused on principles of leadership and life. They are “uncommon” common sense topics designed to help people push themselves to their full potential. Every video is available to subscribers who invest $4.99 a month for their future success. If you’re willing to push yourself towards the life you want and deserve my videos may just be the extra nudge you need to get there. Find your way over to X and follow me there. Once you’ve followed me you can subscribe on a month by month basis just by clicking the subscribe button. Remember, an investment in yourself ALWAYS pays dividends! You’ll find my timeline here:


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How to Develop Your Leadership Skills

I talk to a lot of people who say they want to become leaders. Most of them don’t actually even know what that means. What many of them really want is a leadership position. They want the so called “perks” of leadership which of course frequently includes higher pay. They believe leadership is about them.

Authentic Leadership is about helping other people, often ordinary people, achieve extraordinary results. It’s about sometimes sacrificing what you want for the benefit of others. It’s about putting your own ego on the back burner so that the people you lead receive the recognition they need and deserve. Authentic Leadership is about truly, genuinely, and sincerely caring deeply for others.

Authentic Leaders don’t grow more followers. They don’t worry about building bigger departments. They don’t worry about more impressive titles or corner offices. They care about helping their people be successful, in their careers and in their lives.

Most of the people who say they want to become leaders fail to realize that they already have the opportunity to lead. They can and should be leading themselves every single day. In fact, it’s nearly impossible to lead other people if we can’t lead ourselves. Most everything that would one day make them an Authentic Leader they can “practice” with themselves.

If you are sincere in your desire to become an Authentic Leader, and not a leader in title only, then here’s some things you’ll need to know.

Developing oneself into a leader is a continuous and intentional process. A process that involves personal growth, skill development, and a commitment to leading others effectively. Here are some of the initial steps you’ll want to take on your journey to Authentic Leadership.

• Self-awareness: Understand your strengths, weaknesses, values, and beliefs. Reflect on your experiences and identify areas for improvement. Self-awareness is the foundation for leadership development so you better be brutally honest with yourself here. If you’re not then your ability to lead others will likely be dead on arrival.

• Set clear goals: Define your long-term and short-term goals. This will give you a sense of direction and purpose. Break down larger goals into smaller, achievable tasks to make progress more manageable. Goals are the stuff success is made of and that’s as true in leadership as in any other part of life.

• Continuous learning: Commit to lifelong learning. Stay informed about industry trends, leadership theories, and new technologies. Attend workshops, seminars, and conferences to expand your knowledge. The day you know all you need to know about leadership is the last day you’ll truly be leading.

• Build strong communication skills: Effective leaders are good communicators. Work on your verbal and written communication skills. Learn to express your ideas clearly and listen actively to others. Communication is absolutely beyond crucial for building trust and collaboration. I just can’t say enough about the need for excellent communication skills when it comes to leadership.

• Develop emotional intelligence: Understand and manage your emotions while being empathetic towards others. Emotional intelligence helps in building positive relationships, resolving conflicts, and motivating team members. A high EQ will help you developing an understanding of the people you lead. It’s that understanding that will help you build your heart into the caring heart of an Authentic Leader.

• Take on leadership roles: Seek opportunities to lead others, even in small ways. This could involve volunteering for projects, leading team meetings, or taking on mentorship roles. Practical experience is invaluable for leadership development.

• Build a strong network: Connect with professionals in your industry and beyond. Networking provides opportunities for mentorship, collaboration, and exposure to different perspectives. Build relationships with people who can support your leadership journey.

• Adaptability: Develop the ability to adapt to change. In today’s dynamic work environment, leaders need to be flexible and open to new ideas. Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth.

• Decision-making skills: Hone your decision-making abilities. Leaders often face tough choices, and the ability to make informed decisions is crucial. Consider the potential outcomes. Consult with others when necessary. Take responsibility for your decisions.

• Lead by example: Demonstrate the qualities you expect from others. Be ethical, reliable, and accountable. Leaders must lead by example to inspire trust and loyalty from their team. And remember, loyalty is a two-way street. If you want people to be loyal, YOU must be loyal first.

• Seek feedback: Solicit feedback from peers, mentors, and team members. Constructive feedback provides valuable insights into your strengths and areas for improvement. Authentic Leaders are not afraid to seek that feedback even when they think it’s not going to be what they want to hear. They use that feedback as a tool for continuous improvement.

• Stay resilient: Leadership comes with challenges and setbacks. Cultivate resilience to bounce back from failures and learn from them. A resilient leader remains focused on long-term goals despite short-term obstacles. As “they” say, “if leadership was easy, everybody would be doing it.”

Authentic Leadership development is a lifelong journey, and there is always room for improvement. Be proactive, embrace challenges, and continually seek ways to enhance your leadership skills. When you do, you’ll discover the rich rewards of making a long-term impact on the lives of the people you serve as a leader.

That’s worth way more than the “perks” mere leader wannabes will ever get.

The Actual Differences Between Managing and Leading

It has been a while since I’ve written on this topic. Considering the hefty increase over the last few months in subscribers to this blog it feels like it’s time again. The terms “managing” and “leading” are often used interchangeably, but they represent distinct aspects of organizational and team dynamics. While there is some overlap, they emphasize different roles and functions within a group or company.

Simply put, we manage “stuff” and we lead people. “Stuff” includes everything that isn’t people. Things like spreadsheets, buildings, inventory, equipment, budgets and a ton of other “stuff.” Leadership is about people and it’s only about people. People will always resist being managed because it’s human nature to resist being treated like a piece of equipment.

People insist on being led. That might not be a conscious insistence but it’s as real as can be. Most of what HR professionals would describe as “personnel issues” stem from trying to manage people who insist, whether consciously or subconsciously, on being led.

The sustainability of an organization depends on both sound management and effective leadership. It also depends on understanding the unique characteristics of each.

Here’s a breakdown of the actual differences between managing and leading:

Focus and Scope:

• Managing: Primarily focuses on tasks, processes, and resources. Managers are responsible for planning, organizing, and controlling day-to-day activities to achieve specific objectives. Their focus is often on efficiency, coordination, and problem-solving.

• Leading: Primarily focuses on people. Leaders inspire and motivate individuals or teams to achieve a common vision or goal. Their focus is on aligning people with the organization’s mission, values, and long-term objectives.

Role and Authority:

• Managing: Involves the allocation and coordination of resources, making decisions, and ensuring that tasks are completed efficiently. Managers typically have authority based on their position within the organizational hierarchy.

• Leading: Involves influencing and inspiring others to follow a shared vision. Leaders may not always have formal authority, as their influence can stem from personal qualities, vision, or expertise.


• Managing: Tends to be more task-oriented. Managers are concerned with how to achieve specific goals, meet deadlines, and efficiently use resources.

• Leading: Tends to be more people-oriented. Leaders focus on building relationships, fostering collaboration, and creating a positive organizational culture.


• Managing: Often involves short-term planning and execution. Managers deal with immediate issues, problems, and operational aspects of the organization.

• Leading: Often involves long-term vision and strategy. Leaders look ahead, setting the direction for the organization and navigating it through changes and challenges.

Control vs. Inspiration:

• Managing: Involves control mechanisms to ensure that tasks are completed as planned. Managers use authority, rules, and systems to maintain order.

• Leading: Involves inspiring and motivating others. Leaders appeal to emotions, values, and aspirations to encourage commitment and engagement.


• Managing: Generally focuses on minimizing risks and maintaining stability. Managers often work within established procedures and protocols.

• Leading: Involves taking calculated risks to pursue innovation and change. Leaders are more likely to challenge the status quo and encourage experimentation.

In practice, effective leadership often requires a combination of management skills. Successful organizations recognize the importance of both managing and leading and may seek individuals who can balance these roles to achieve overall success and sustainability.

How to Give a Sincere Compliment

Have you ever received a compliment from someone and immediately wondered what they were up to? You may be thinking they want something in return. Maybe they are about to ask for a favor. You’re not at all certain the compliment is truly sincere.

Lots of people think they’re giving sincere compliments but a truly sincere compliment has two parts. The compliment itself and the “evidence” that proves it’s sincere. It’s easy to say “nice job” and walk away thinking you’ve just given a compliment. But explaining with some level of detail why you believe the person did a nice job requires some effort.

For instance, if they have just interacted with an upset and challenging customer and the customer ended up being pleased with the outcome it can be very tempting to say “nice work” and let it go at that. But consider adding something like, “nice work, that was very impressive the way you calmly interacted with a very upset person. It could have gone very differently but your caring demeanor really saved the day…and likely the customer. Again, very nice work.”

It’s a little more effort but it makes a very big difference. Specificity is the key. If you can’t be specific you’re leaving the door to doubt open in the mind of the person you’re complimenting.

Here are a few additional ideas to consider to make sure your compliments are received the way you intended.

• Be Genuine: Your sincerity should come from a place of authenticity. Avoid giving compliments just for the sake of it; mean what you say.

• Timing Matters: Choose an appropriate time to give a compliment. It could be in response to a specific action, achievement, or simply as a positive acknowledgment.

• Use Positive Language: Frame your compliment in positive language to convey your admiration. Avoid any negative comparisons or qualifiers. Instead of: “You’re not as bad as others at this, try your skills in this area really stand out.”

• Body Language: Non-verbal cues like eye contact and a genuine smile can enhance the sincerity of your compliment. Make sure your tone of voice aligns with your words.

• Avoid Backhanded Compliments: These are compliments that also contain an insult or criticism. They can be easily misinterpreted and may negate the positive intention. An example of a backhanded compliment might be “You’re surprisingly good at this.”

• Personalize the Compliment: Tailor your compliment to the individual and their unique qualities. This shows that you see and appreciate their individuality. Instead of: “You’re good at your job,” try “I’ve noticed your attention to detail in your work. It really sets you apart.”

• Be Mindful of Cultural Sensitivities: Understand the cultural context and be mindful of cultural differences when giving compliments, as what might be considered appropriate in one culture may not be in another.

The key to a sincere compliment is honesty and thoughtfulness. If you’ve ever given someone a compliment and they looked at you a little cross-eyed you may now know why. By acknowledging specific positive qualities or actions, you not only boost the recipient’s confidence but also strengthen your connection with them. It takes a little effort to turn a simple compliment into an undoubtably sincere compliment, but it’s way more than worth it.