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How to Overcome Fear


Our mind can play all kinds of tricks on us. It can fool us into believing things that aren’t true and disbelieving things that are. The “experts” say the only place fear exists is in our minds. I’m not so sure about that, it seems very real to me at times.

But then I think about watching a scary movie and jumping out of my seat as if the scary thing can get to me. Obviously, that kind of fear is only in my mind. The experts say there is no other kind of fear, it’s all in our mind.

I’ve often heard it said that courage is not the absence of fear, it’s moving forward despite the fear. When you ask courageous people how they overcame their fear they will frequently respond with some sort of comment about blocking it out of their mind.

So there you go… fear indeed seems to be a mind thing. No matter how real it seems.

But blocking fear from you mind is far easier said than done. When we manage to pull it off however, it’s pretty darn rewarding. Here are some strategies that can help us stop fear from damaging our progress towards success.

• Understand Your Fear: Take some time to identify what exactly you’re afraid of and why. Understanding the root cause of your fear can help you address it more effectively. You may even figure out on your own that your fear is indeed a mere mirage.

• Educate Yourself: Sometimes fear stems from ignorance or misunderstanding. Educating yourself about the object of your fear can help demystify it and make it less intimidating.

• Face Your Fear Gradually: Instead of avoiding what you fear, try facing it in small, manageable steps. Gradual exposure can desensitize you to the fear over time. You’ll be surprised how well this works, so surprised that you may wonder why you ever let fear take hold in the first place.

• Challenge Negative Thoughts: Fear often feeds on negative thoughts and beliefs. Challenge these thoughts by asking yourself if they’re rational or if there’s evidence to support them. If there’s no evidence then you’ll know your mind is tricking you.

• Seek Support: Don’t be afraid to reach out to friends or family for support. Talking about your fears with others can help you gain perspective and find solutions.

• Visualize Success: Spend some time visualizing yourself overcoming your fear and achieving your goals. This can help build confidence and motivation. For a long time I thought this visualization stuff was all mumble jumble. But I’ve met a heck of a lot of very successful people who swear by it.

• Set Realistic Goals: Set small, achievable goals for yourself related to overcoming your fear. Celebrate your progress along the way to keep yourself motivated.

• Stay Persistent: Overcoming fear is often a gradual process that requires persistence and determination. Keep pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone, even if progress feels slow at times.

Remember that everyone experiences fear at some point in their lives. It’s a normal part of being human. The key is not to let fear control you or hold you back from living the life you want.

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